Eco Ambassadors

Gwen Stagg, Jessica Morthorpe, Steve Mellor

When worship leader Trish Bevan pondered “hospitality” as a key theme in the Emmaus story, it synced with Jessica Morthorpe’s address on care for the environment as a central tenet of Christian stewardship. Jessica, Director of the Five Leaf Eco Award Scheme, shared her own journey into awareness of the connection between her two passions of ecological care and Christian discipleship. Initially seeming to be at odds, it became evident through careful study and deeper engagement that they were reflections of each other. Q & A followed Jessica’s address, revealing a congregation that  is enthusiastic and appreciative of the need to maintain care and mutual hospitality for the planet we inhabit.

Published by PropagandaPanda

Neurodiverse, angry-white-woman, life-hacker, and excessive-hyphenator.

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